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Data protection

1. General information about the collection of personal data


(1) In the following data protection declaration, we would like to explain how we handle the personal data that is transmitted to us when you use our website or our offers. Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses or user behavior.


(2) Responsible according to Art. 4 No. 7 DS-GVO:


Trinkunaite-Stoniene Egle, Baniene Osvalda GbR


Stone & Bane Flowers

Rat-Scholz-Strasse 7

63768 Hösbach


Phone: +49 179 4279705


2. Rights of data subjects


(1) You have the following rights towards us with regard to your personal data:


  • Right to information (Art. 15 DS-GVO) about your personal data processed by us;

  • Right to correction (Art. 16 DS-GVO) or completion of your personal data processed by us;

  • Right to erasure (Art. 17 DS-GVO) of your personal data processed by us, provided that the processing is not exceptionally necessary according to Art. 17 Para. 3 DS-GVO;

  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR);

  • Right to information (Article 19 GDPR);

  • Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR);

  • Right to revoke a consent given to us (Art. 7 Para. 3 DS-GVO). The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation.


(2) You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data by us is unlawful. These are the state officers for data protection. You can find the contact person responsible for you at the following URL, for example: 


(3) Objection to the processing of your data

If we base the processing of your personal data on the balancing of interests, you can object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not necessary in particular to fulfill a contract with you, which is shown by us in the corresponding description of the functions. If you exercise such an objection, we ask that you explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and will either discontinue or adjust the data processing or show you our compelling reasons worthy of protection on the basis of which we will continue the processing. Of course, you can object to the processing of your personal data for advertising and data analysis purposes at any time. You can inform us about your objection under the following contact details: 


Trinkunaite-Stoniene Egle, Baniene Osvalda GbR


Stone & Bane Flowers

Rat-Scholz-Str. 7

63768 Hösbach



Phone: +49 179 4279705


3. Data Security


Since the security of your data is important to us, your personal data will be transmitted with a secure SSL or TLS encryption/connection. TLS (Transport Layer Security) or the previous version SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol for encrypting data transmissions on the Internet. We hereby protect your personal data from unauthorized access. You can recognize the encryption of the connection in the browser line by the character "https//:" or the lock symbol.


In addition, we secure our website and other systems through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. Despite regular checks, complete protection against all hazards is not possible.



4. Visit to our website


If you only use our website for informational purposes, i.e. if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect the personal data that your browser transmits to our server. As soon as you request a file from our website, access data is collected and saved by default. 


This record consists of:


  • the page from which the file was requested,

  • the name of the file,

  • the date and time of the request,

  • the amount of data transferred

  • the access status/HTTP status code (ie whether the file was transferred or possibly not found etc.),

  • a description of the type and version of the web browser used,

  • the installed operating system and the set resolution,

  • the IP address used.


This data is necessary for us to show you our website and to ensure stability and security. Furthermore, these are evaluated for internal statistical purposes and for the technical administration of the website. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the stated purposes of data collection.


5. Use of our online shop


(1) If you would like to place an order in our online shop, you must provide personal data as part of the ordering process. Which data is collected for this can be seen from the respective input masks, with the necessary mandatory information being specially marked in each case. All other details are optional.


The provision of your personal data serves the purpose and is necessary insofar as this is required for the conclusion of the contract and the processing of your order. The legal basis is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. b GDPR.


(2) You have the option of creating a customer account. For the purpose of using your personal data for further, subsequent orders, the data you provide will be stored and processed revocably. The legal basis is Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. b GDPR.


(3) Due to the requirements of commercial and tax law, we are obliged to store your address, payment and order data for a period of ten years. Your data will therefore not be completely deleted even if the storage is no longer required for the concluded contract. However, processing is restricted to the extent that processing is necessary to comply with legal obligations. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter c GDPR.


(4) We will only use the data that you have transmitted to us in the course of your order to process your order. We use the following external service providers to process the order: 


(a) For the delivery of the goods, your address data must be passed on to our parcel service provider. They are obliged to treat your data confidentially and to store and use it exclusively for the purpose of delivery, and to delete it again after successful delivery. The legal basis for the transfer of data is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR.


(b) For payment processing, your payment data will be passed on to the commissioned bank or the selected payment service provider. The legal basis for the transfer of data is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter b GDPR.


Depending on the payment method you have selected, your payment data will be transmitted to the appropriate payment service provider. The payment service provider is responsible for your payment data. Information in particular about the responsible body of the payment service provider and the categories of personal data processed by the payment service provider can be found at the following Internet addresses:


  • giropay:

If you pay by giropay, your data required for the payment will be passed on to paydirekt GmbH, An der Welle 4, 60322 Frankfurt am Main. For more information, see


  • Paypal:

When paying via PayPal, your data required for the payment will be passed on to  PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg. PayPal reserves the right to carry out a credit check for certain payment methods, such as purchase on account (processed by PayPal Plus), installment payments (processed by PayPal Plus). Information on identity verification at PayPal and data exchange with credit agencies (credit information) can be found here: The legal basis for PayPal is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. f GDPR based on the legitimate interest in determining your solvency. For more information, see: 


  • Pay Now/Instant

If you pay by direct transfer via SOFORT GmbH, your data required for the payment will be forwarded to SOFORT GmbH, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich, Germany ("SOFORT"). Sofort GmbH is part of the Klarna Group (Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 11134 Stockholm, Sweden ("Klarna"). You can find more information about Klarna's data protection regulations at the following internet address:

  • Mastercard

If you pay by credit card/debit card via Mastercard, your data required for the payment will be forwarded to Mastercard Europe SA, Chausee de Tervuren 198A, B-1410 Waterloo, Belgium. You can find more information about Mastercard's data protection regulations at the following Internet address:


  • Visas

If you pay by credit card/debit card via Visa, your data required for the payment will be forwarded to Visa Europe Services Inc., 1 Sheldon Square W2 6 TT, UK. For more information about Visa's privacy policy, visit the following web address:


  • Apple Pay

When paying via Apple Pay, your data required for payment will be forwarded to Apple Distribution International (Apple), Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland. For more information about Apple's privacy practices, visit the following web address:


6. When contacting us via email or contact form


(1) When you contact us by email or via the contact form on our website, personal data is collected and stored by us. Which personal data is collected in the event of contact via the contact form results from the contact form. In the course of contacting us by email, the following personal data is collected and stored by us: email address and email text as well as other data provided voluntarily.


We process the data you provide exclusively to process your contact request. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. b GDPR or our legitimate interest in answering your request in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.


(3) If storage is no longer required, we will delete all personal data collected in this context. If there is a legal storage obligation, the processing will be limited to this purpose. The legal basis is Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR.




(1) This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that your Internet browser stores on your end device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.). 


Consent is not required for cookies, which are necessary for the operation of the website, Art. 25 Para. 2 No. 2 TTDSG. The legal basis is our legitimate interest in being able to provide you with a functioning and user-friendly website, Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.


We only use all other cookies with your consent. In this case, the legal basis for processing is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph S.1 lit. a GDPR. You can revoke this at any time under the link "Cookie settings" at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation


(3) You can also change the storage of cookies in your browser settings at any time, e.g. the acceptance of cookies altogether, of third-party cookies (cookies that are set by a third party, i.e. not by the actual website on which you are currently located) or deny or delete individual cookies. 


However, we would like to point out that in this case our website may no longer be fully usable. To ensure your privacy, we recommend that you delete the cookies on your end device and the browser history at regular intervals. 


(3) You can see which cookies we use and how long they are stored under the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the page and make settings. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.  


15. Meta Platforms (Facebook/Instagram) 


This website uses the web advertising service of Meta Platforms Ireland, Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland ("Meta"). 


This service uses cookies. You can find out which cookies are used and how long they are stored under the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.


The IP address, via which ad you came to the website, length of stay on the website, which areas of the website were viewed, loading time of the website, data mentioned under number 4 above are processed and passed on to Meta._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


The purpose is to measure the success of our marketing measures and to display personalized advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. 


The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit.


You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation. 


You can revoke your consent under the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.


Furthermore, we have concluded an order processing contract with Meta, Art. 28 GDPR.


Personal data can also be processed outside the EU/EEA, in particular the USA. If there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission for the respective third country, an appropriate level of data protection comparable to that in the EU/EEA is not guaranteed. To ensure an appropriate level of data protection with the services used in third countries, we have therefore concluded the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Article 46 (2) (c) GDPR. 


11. Piwik Pro


This website uses Piwik, a web analysis service Piwik PRO GmbH, Kurfürstendamm 21, 10719 Berlin ("Piwik").


This service uses cookies. You can find out which cookies are used and how long they are stored under the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button. You can also find more information here:


The IP address, cookie ID, data mentioned in section 4 above and information about the use of this website are processed. Further information on the processed personal data can be found here: 


The personal data is stored on Piwik servers or on service providers commissioned by Piwik in the EU. The IP address is anonymized immediately after processing and before it is stored.


This service is used to analyze and regularly improve the use of our website. We can use the statistics obtained to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user, as well as measure the success of our advertising measures and optimize our advertising measures.


For more information, see


The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit.


You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation. 


You can revoke your consent under the "Cookie Settings" link at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.


Furthermore, we have concluded an order processing contract, Art. 28 GDPR.


12. Google Ads


This website uses the Google Ads web advertising service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland ("Google"). 


This service uses cookies. You can find out which cookies are used and how long they are stored under the "Cookie settings" link at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.


The IP address, via which ad you came to the website, length of stay on the website, which areas of the website were viewed, loading time of the website, data mentioned under point 4 above are processed and passed on to Google._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


The purpose is to measure the success of our marketing measures and to display advertisements in a personalized way. 


Further information on the purpose of data collection and its processing by Google is available at 



The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit.


You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation. 


You can revoke your consent under the link "Cookie settings" at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload button".


Furthermore, we have concluded an order processing contract with Google, Art. 28 GDPR.


Personal data can also be processed outside the EU/EEA, in particular the USA. If there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission for the respective third country, an appropriate level of data protection comparable to that in the EU/EEA is not guaranteed. To ensure an appropriate level of data protection with the services used in third countries, we have therefore concluded the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Article 46 (2) (c) GDPR. 


11. Social Media Plugins


We use social plugins from Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland ("Meta"). 


Specifically, we use the share button and the like button for the social networks Facebook and Instagram.


Since personal data is already transmitted to the social networks when using the usual plug-ins even without interaction with the corresponding social plug-in, we have implemented the "Shariff" solution for the social plug-ins._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


With the help of Shariff, you can decide for yourself whether and when data is transmitted to the operators of the respective social networks. Therefore, when you visit our website, no data is transmitted to the social networks.


Only when you click one of the buttons is a connection established between your browser and the servers of the respective social network and data is transmitted to them. 


The plug-in provider receives and stores data (in particular the IP address) that allows it to recognize which page of our website was accessed by the visitor. If the visitor activates a plug-in, the corresponding information is transmitted to the respective plug-in provider and stored there. 


The plug-in provider uses the personal data collected from you for advertising, market research and/or adjustment of its website, in particular for targeted advertising. 


With these plug-ins we enable you to interact with other users via social networks and aim to make our offer more relevant to your interests. 


The type, scope, purpose of the collection, use and further processing and use of the data by the respective plug-in provider as well as the rights and setting options for protecting the privacy of the user can be read and adjusted in the plug-in provider's data protection information become.


  • Facebook: well as,  and


The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit.


You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of revocation. 


You can revoke your consent under the link "Cookie settings" at the bottom of the page. If the link is not displayed, you must reload the website by pressing your browser's "reload" button.


Furthermore, we have concluded an order processing contract with Google, Art. 28 GDPR.


Personal data can also be processed outside the EU/EEA, in particular the USA. If there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission for the respective third country, an appropriate level of data protection comparable to that in the EU/EEA is not guaranteed. To ensure an appropriate level of data protection with the services used in third countries, we have therefore concluded the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Article 46 (2) (c) GDPR. 


12. Storage period of personal data


The storage period of personal data depends on the respective legal retention period (e.g. commercial and tax retention periods). When the statutory retention periods have expired, we delete the personal data in question as long as and to the extent that the personal data is not required to fulfill or initiate a contract or we no longer have a legitimate interest in storing it.



13. Passing on of data otherwise


In some cases, we use external service providers, such as hosting service providers, to process your data and to provide this website. These have been carefully selected and commissioned by us, are bound by our instructions and are regularly checked.  The legal basis is Art. 28 DS-GVO.


(2) In addition to the cases named above, we only pass on your personal data to third parties in the cases named below:


  • if you have given us your express consent in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letter a GDPR, or


  • if there is a legal obligation for disclosure according to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. c GDPR, e.g.


  • disclosure pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter f is necessary for the purpose of asserting or defending legal claims or exercising rights, and it cannot be assumed that disclosure conflicts with an overriding interest of the data subject that is worthy of protection.

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